It starts here. For many City Hospital patients, their journey starts with medical imaging: in 2023 – 2024 more than 15,000 people had CT scans at Saskatoon City Hospital. CT is an x-ray that spins, taking 3D images. For many patients and conditions, it’s the best way to diagnose illness and determine treatments. The CT helps diagnose cancer, monitors cancer treatments, spots diabetes-related blood vessel disorders, and shows blood flow in patients who’ve had a stroke. After many years of hard work, the CT is nearing end-of-life. A new CT is essential to avoid cancelling procedures. While assuring prompt access to imaging, the new CT will take clearer pictures faster with less exposure. This means more safety and comfort for patients, while providing the most accurate diagnoses and treatment decisions.
Proceeds from Hospital Home Lottery will bring new hope to thousands of people in our province living with neurological disorders. It will also provide those with seizures, strokes, brain bleeds or brain tumours with the best care possible. Because of you, Royal University Hospital will have the additional resources to purchase state-of-the art medical and surgical technology and equipment, fund specialized surgical and medical training opportunities, and introduce new brain procedures and treatment options in Saskatchewan. Thank you for helping advance cutting-edge neurological care at RUH.
The By Your Side Kidney Care Campaign is rooted in the belief that disparities in health care outcomes and experiences require our thoughtful attention. St. Paul’s Hospital Foundation is committed to raising $10 million to support those facing Chronic Kidney Disease with a better health care journey and improved quality of life. This Campaign will further the prevention and early detection of disease through point-of-care screening programs, improve patient education and treatment options with the construction of a new Kidney Health and Education Centre, and deliver holistic care through the construction of an Indigenous Healing Centre and the introduction of Patient Porters at St. Paul’s Hospital.